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Education Programs

Roles and Responsibilities of the Johnson Family

While visiting Chiefswood National Historic Site students explore the roles and responsibilities of Pauline Johnson and her family. Students will compare their own roles and responsibilities within their lives at school and home to the lives of the Johnson family. Students will then get the opportunity to make a wampum belt bracelet to represent their roles and responsibilities within their lives at school and home.

Suitable for Grades 1-3

Johnson Family, Historical Photo

Time and Ink Writing Workshop

Learn the methods of writing used from the late 1400’s all the way to the modern era and the technological advancements involved. Then partake in a letter writing workshop, write to a loved one, a friend, or to yourself all is left between you and the page. Finally seal your letter with a traditional wax seal and stamp.

Suitable for All Ages

Early Societies Scavenger Hunt

In this package, students will have the opportunity to complete a scavenger hunt to compare British and Haudenosaunee lifestyles in the late 1700’s to the early 1800’s. During a guided tour of Chiefswood students will learn about British and Haudenosaunee clothing, food, work, play and much more during their scavenger hunt.

Suitable for Grades 3-6

Black and White Photo - Birthplace of E. Pauline Johnson - Chiefswood National Historic Site
Flint and Feather by E. Pauline Johnson, Mohawk Poet

Exploring E. Pauline Johnson’s Written Work

E. Pauline Johnson is widely celebrated for her poetry and prose. On a visit of Chiefswood National Historic Site, students will have the opportunity to learn about Pauline’s poetry and Haudenosaunee wampum belts. Students will create a bookmark that highlights important aspects of Pauline’s poetry.

Suitable for Grades 4-6